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An IERC721Receiver contract safely manages the collection of standard NFTs (ERC721) collected by the DAO.

The extension adds to the DAO the capability of managing and curating a collection of standard NFTs. Applicants can join the DAO offering NFTs as tributes, and if their proposal is approved their tributes get stored in the guild NFT collection - which supports tokens in ERC721 standard.

In order to join the DAO using a NFT as tribute, the DAO must have the TributeNFT Adapter pre-configured with the correct access flags.

Access Flags#

  • COLLECT_NFT: Allows the caller adapter to transfer the NFT to the GUILD collection.
  • WITHDRAW_NFT: Allows the caller to remove the NFT from the GUILD collection and return it to a new owner.
  • INTERNAL_TRANSFER: Allows the caller to update the internal ownership of the NFT within the GUILD collection.


public initialized#

Internally tracks deployment under eip-1167 proxy pattern.

public dao#

Keeps track of each DAO instance the current contract belongs to.

private _nfts#

Tracks all the Token IDs that belong to an NFT address stored in the GUILD collection.

private _ownership#

Tracks the internal owner of record of an NFT that has been transferred to the extension.

private _nftAddresses#

Tracks all the NFTs addresses collected and stored in the GUILD collection.



/**  * @notice Initializes the extension with the DAO address that it belongs to.  * @param _dao The address of the DAO that owns the extension.  * @param creator The owner of the DAO and Extension that is also a member of the DAO.  */function initialize(DaoRegistry _dao, address creator) external


/**  * @notice Collects the NFT from the owner and moves it to the NFT extension.  * @notice It must be have been allowed to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}.  * @notice The caller must have the ACL Flag: COLLECT_NFT  * @dev Reverts if the NFT is not in ERC721 standard.  * @param nftAddr The NFT contract address.  * @param nftTokenId The NFT token id.  */function collect(    address nftAddr,    uint256 nftTokenId) external


/**  * @notice Ttransfers the NFT token from the extension address to the new owner.  * @notice It also updates the internal state to keep track of the all the NFTs collected by the extension.  * @notice The caller must have the ACL Flag: WITHDRAW_NFT  * @dev Reverts if the NFT is not in ERC721 standard.  * @param newOwner The address of the new owner.  * @param nftAddr The NFT address that must be in ERC721 standard.  * @param nftTokenId The NFT token id.  */function withdrawNFT(    address newOwner,    address nftAddr,    uint256 nftTokenId) public hasExtensionAccess(this, AclFlag.WITHDRAW_NFT)


/**  * @notice Updates internally the ownership of the NFT.  * @notice The caller must have the ACL Flag: INTERNAL_TRANSFER  * @dev Reverts if the NFT is not already internally owned in the extension.  * @param nftAddr The NFT address.  * @param nftTokenId The NFT token id.  * @param newOwner The address of the new owner.  */function transferFrom(    address escrowAddr,    address nftAddr,    address newOwner) public hasExtensionAccess(this, AclFlag.INTERNAL_TRANSFER)


/**  * @notice Gets ID generated from an NFT address and token id (used internally to map ownership).  * @param nftAddress The NFT address.  * @param tokenId The NFT token id.  */function getNFTId(address nftAddress, uint256 tokenId)    public    pure    returns (bytes32)


/**  * @notice Returns the total amount of token ids collected for an NFT address.  */function nbNFTs(address tokenAddr) public view returns (uint256)


/**  * @notice Returns token id associated with an NFT address stored in the GUILD collection at the specified index.  * @param tokenAddr The NFT address.  * @param index The index to get the token id if it exists.  */function getNFT(address tokenAddr, uint256 index)    public    view    returns (uint256)


/**  * @notice Returns the total amount of NFT addresses collected.  */function nbNFTAddresses() external view returns (uint256)


/**  * @notice Returns NFT address stored in the GUILD collection at the specified index.  * @param index The index to get the NFT address if it exists.  */function getNFTAddress(uint256 index) external view returns (address)


/**  * @notice Returns owner of NFT that has been transferred to the extension.  * @param nftAddress The NFT address.  * @param tokenId The NFT token id.  */function getNFTOwner(address nftAddress, uint256 tokenId)    public    view    returns (address)


/**  * @notice Required function from IERC721 standard to be able to receive assets to this contract address.  */function onERC721Received(    address,    address,    uint256,    bytes calldata) external pure override returns (bytes4)


/**  * @notice Helper function to update the extension states for an NFT collected by the extension.  * @param nftAddr The NFT address.  * @param nftTokenId The token id.  * @param owner The address of the owner.  */function _saveNft(    address nftAddr,    uint256 nftTokenId,    address owner) private



When a NFT is collected/stored into the NFT collection.

  • event CollectedNFT(address nftAddr, uint256 nftTokenId);


When a NFT is transferred from the extension to another owner.

  • event WithdrawnNFT(address nftAddr, uint256 nftTokenId, address toAddress);


When a NFT is transferred from the escrow adapter to the NFT collection in the extension.

  • event TransferredNFT( address nftAddr, uint256 nftTokenId, address oldOwner, address newOwner );