The DAO Registry contract is the identity of the DAO. This is the contract address that every adapter usually interacts with.
The scope of the registry is to manage the following:
- The adapter registry - which adapter is being used by this DAO and which access it has to the DAO state.
- The extension registry - which extension is part of the DAO and the adapter's access to it.
- Members registry - whether members exist, their delegate key and their access flags.
Each non-constant function in the DAO Registry has an access control modifier hasAccess
linked to it, to make sure the caller has the right to call it.
The DaoRegistry.sol contract tracks the state of the DAO for 1) Adapter and Extension access, 2) State of Proposals, 3) Membership status. If an Adapter needs to access the DAO Registry, it must be registered to the DAO with the correct access flags.
DAO StateThe DAO can be in one of the following states:
: when the DAO is being deployed viainitializeDao
, but is not ready to be used.READY
: when the functionfinalizeDao
has been called, and is now ready to be used.
Once the DaoState is changed to READY
, then the only way to add additional Adapters is via proposal process using the Managing Adapter.
Access FlagsThe are three main categories of Access Flags for the DAO Registry Contract:
: right to check if a given address is already part of the DAO. Useful to restrict the DAO features that need to be access by members only.
: right to check if a given proposal id already exists in the DAO storage.SPONSORED
: right to check if a given proposal id was already sponsored.PROCESSED
: right to check if a griven proposal id was already processed.
: right to add/remove/replace an adapter, functiondao.replaceAdapter
: right to submit a proposal, functiondao.submitProposal
: right to update the delegate key of a member, functiondao.updateDelegatedKey
: right to set custom configurations parameters, functiondao.setConfiguration
: right to add an extension, functiondao.addExtension
: right to remove an extension, functiondao.removeExtension
: right to add a new potential member to the DAO, functiondao.potentialNewMember
ProposalThe structure to track all the proposals in the DAO and their state (EXISTS, SPONSORED, PROCESSED).
MemberThe structure to track all the members in the DAO and their state (EXISTS).
CheckpointTribute makes use of the off-chain voting mechanism Snapshot. The Checkpoint
struct assists with verifying the optimistic voting and proposal mechanisms at various blocktimes. See,
AdapterEntryWhen an Adapter is added to DaoRegistry
via the function replaceAdapter
, a bytes32 id
and a uint256 acl
are parameters assigned to the Adapter for use in identifying the Adapter.
ExtensionEntryWhen an Extension is added to DaoRegistry
via addExtenstion
a bytes32 id
and a uint256 acl
are parameters assigned to the Extension for use in identifying the Extension.
public membersMapping of all the members. Member struct contains the flags uint.
private _membersList of all the member addresses. Useful to iterate through members.
public memberAddressesByDelegatedKeyMapping of the member address by delegate key (think inverted mapping from members by delegate key).
checkpointsDelegate key checkpoints. This is useful to know what the delegate key is at a certain point in time. A checkpoint is a data structure that allows storing data on a per-block basis and is originally inspired by the Compound contracts.
numCheckpointsCheckpoint lengths per member address.
public stateDao state. This is used to know if the DAO is currently being set up or if it is already running. Useful to configure it.
public proposalsMapping of all the proposals for the DAO. Each proposal has an adapterAddress (which adapter created it) and flags to define its state.
public adaptersMapping of all the adapters. bytes32 is the keccak256 of their name and address.
public inverseAdaptersMapping of adapter details. For each address, we can get its id (keccak256(name)) and its acl (access control, which function in the DAO it has access to).
public extensionsMapping of each extension. Like for adapters, the key here is keccak256(name) (e.g., keccak256("bank"))
public inverseExtensionsMapping of extension details. For each extension address, you get its id (keccak256(name)) and a mapping from adapter address => access control. Access control for each extension is centralized in the DaoRegistry to avoid each extension implementing its own ACL system.
public mainConfigurationGeneric configuration mapping from key (keccak256(name)) to any type that can be encoded in 256 bytes (does not need to be uint, could be bytes32 too).
public addressConfigurationSince addresses are not encoded in 256 bytes, we need a separate configuration mapping for this type.
The constructor function is non-existent, because this is a Cloneable contract. See,
initializeInitializes the DAO by creating the initial members who are 1) the DAO creator passed to the function, 2) the account passed to the function which paid for the transaction to create the DAO, and 3) the DaoFactory calling this function.
finalizeDaoMark the DAO as finalized. After that, changes can only be made through adapters.
setConfigurationSet a generic configuration entry for the DAO. Only adapters with access to this function can do it.
setAddressConfigurationSet an address configuration entry for the DAO. Only adapters with access to this function can do it.
potentialNewMemberThis functions checks if the member exists in the DAO. If the member does not exist, it creates the entry for the new member. That means creating an entry in the members mapping, setting the delegate key to be the same address as the new member and adding the address to the members list.
getConfigurationGet the generic config entry by passing the keccak256(config name).
getAddressConfigurationGet the address config entry by passing the keccak256(config name).
addExtensionAdd a new extension to the registry. It first checks if the extension id is already used and reverts if it is the case. It then adds the extension to the DAO and initializes it.
removeExtensionRemoves the extension by extension id. It reverts if no extension has been registered for that id (keccak256(name)).
setAclToExtensionForAdapterSets the access control for a particular adapter (by address) to a specific extension. Both adapter and extension need to be already registered to the DAO.
replaceAdapterAdds, removes or replaces an adapter om the DAO registry. It also sets the access control. The adapter can be added only if the adapter id is not already in use. To remove an adapter from the DAO just set the address to 0x0.
isExtensionChecks whether the address is registered as an extension in the DAO.
isAdapterChecks whether the address is registered as an adapter in the DAO.
hasAdapterAccessChecks whether the adapter has access to a certain flag in the DAO.
hasAdapterAccessToExtensionChecks whether a certain adapter has access to a certain extension in the DAO.
getAdapterAddressReturns the adapter address registered for this adapterId and reverts if not found.
The reason we revert here is to avoid the need to check everywhere that the return value is 0x0 when we want to use an adapter.
getExtensionAddressReturns the extension address registered for this extensionId and reverts if not found.
The reason we revert here is to avoid the need to check everywhere that the return value is 0x0 when we want to use an extension.
submitProposalCreates a proposal entry for the DAO. It checks that the proposal was not previously created.
sponsorProposalMarks an existing proposal as sponsored. saves which voting adapter is being used for this proposal. Checks that the proposal has not been sponsored yet. Checks that the proposal exists. Checks that the adapter that sponsors the proposal is the one that submitted it. Checks that the proposal has not been processed yet. Checks that the member sponsoring the proposal is an active member.
processProposalMarks an existing proposal as processed. Checks that the proposal has not been processed already and that it exists.
_setProposalFlagInternal utility function to set a flag to a proposal. It checks that the proposal exists and that the flag has not been already set.
isMember(address addr)Returns true if the address is the delegate key of an existing member
getProposalFlagHelper function to get the flag value for a proposal.
getMemberFlagHelper function to get the flag value for a member.
getNbMembersReturns how many members have been registered in the DAO.
getMemberAddressGets an address at a certain index in the members list.
updateDelegateKeyUpdates the delegate key of a certain member. It checks that the delegate key is not being used by another member and is not the address of an existing member. It also checks that the member exists.
If all the checks pass, the delegate key is updated and a delegate key checkpoint is created.
getAddressIfDelegatedReturns the member address if the address is used as a delegate key or the address itself if it is not.
getCurrentDelegateKey(address memberAddr)Returns the current delegate key for a member address. The member's delegate key is an alternative address to their original membership address that they have specified for interacting with the DAO. This delegation can be used for a number of different reasons (attack, reorg, technical issues, tax).
getPreviousDelegateKeyReturns the previous delegate key for a member address. It is used to prepare the checkpoint.
getPriorDelegateKeyReturns the delegate key for a member at a certain block number. If none are found, the memberAddr is returned instead.
_createNewDelegateCheckpointWrites a new checkpoint for a specific member.
ProposalsThe proposal order follows Moloch v2
- A proposal is submitted
event SubmittedProposal(bytes32 proposalId, uint256 flags);
- Then it sponsored by a member
event SponsoredProposal(bytes32 proposalId, uint256 flags, address votingAdapter);
- After a proposal is voted on, it can finally be processed
event ProcessedProposal(bytes32 proposalId, uint256 flags);
Adapters- A new adapter is added (registereds) to the DAO
event AdapterAdded(bytes32 adapterId,address adapterAddress,uint256 flags);
- An adapter is removed from the DAO
event AdapterRemoved(bytes32 adapterId);
Members- When a member updates the delegated key
event UpdateDelegateKey(address memberAddress, address newDelegateKey);
Configuration- When a new configuration is added/erased
event ConfigurationUpdated(bytes32 key, uint256 value);
- When the Address configuration is updated
event AddressConfigurationUpdated(bytes32 key, address value);