The CouponOnboarding adapter provides a way to onboard an initial group of members quickly without requiring multiple proposals.
The DAO creator can produce and sign coupons which allow redemption of a particular number of units by a given address. When the coupon is redeemed the units are directly issued to the new member.
WorkflowRedeem coupon request
- check that the coupon has not already been redeemed
- check that the signed hash matches the hash of the redeem arguments
- check that the signer of the coupon matches the configured signer
- mint the configured tokens to the new member
- mark the coupon redeemed
Access Flags#
CouponThe coupon structure contains the data fields necessary to redeem and add a new member.
: The address that this coupon authorized to become a new member.amount
: The amount of units that this member will receive.nonce
: A unique identifier for this coupon request.
_flagsTracks all the coupons that were redeemed per DAO.
signerAddressThe public address of the signer key used to generate coupons for this adapter.
tokenAddrToMintThe address of the token that will be created and issued to the address in the redeemed coupons.
configureDao /** * @notice Configures the Adapter with the coupon signer address and token to mint. * @param signerAddress the address of the coupon signer * @param erc20 the address of the internal ERC20 token to issue shares * @param tokenAddrToMint the address of the token to mint the coupon * @param maxAmount max amount of coupons to mint */ function configureDao( DaoRegistry dao, address signerAddress, address erc20, address tokenAddrToMint, uint88 maxAmount ) external onlyAdapter(dao)
hashCouponMessage /** * @notice Hashes the provided coupon as an ERC712 hash. * @param dao is the DAO instance to be configured * @param coupon is the coupon to hash */ function hashCouponMessage(DaoRegistry dao, Coupon memory coupon) public view returns (bytes32)
redeemCoupon /** * @notice Redeems a coupon to add a new member. * @param dao is the DAO instance to be configured * @param authorizedMember is the address that this coupon authorized to become a new member * @param amount is the amount of units that this member will receive * @param nonce is a unique identifier for this coupon request * @param signature is message signature for verification */ function redeemCoupon( DaoRegistry dao, address authorizedMember, uint256 amount, uint256 nonce, bytes memory signature ) external reentrancyGuard(dao)
CouponRedeemedevent CouponRedeemed( address daoAddress, uint256 nonce, address authorizedMember, uint256 amount );