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The Graph have launched their decentralized product called Subgraph Studio, for publishing, and curating on the decentralized (mainnet) network. See here for more information.

The subgraph-deployer.ts script has been updated to deploy to both testnet and mainnet networks.


You need to install Graph CLI version 0.21.1 with either npm or yarn.

NPM Install:

npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli

Yarn Install:

yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli

Subgraph Development Setup#

In addition to the mandatory core subgraph (which queries the DaoFactory, DaoRegistry, and BankExtension contracts), each adapter and extension contract should have its own subgraph. To create a new subgraph for a new adapter or extension contract, create a new folder in the subgraphs directory with the contract name.

Take a look at The Graph's documentation on how to write a subgraph, also check out the current examples in the subgraphs directory.

Subgraph Deployment#

In the subgraph-deployer.ts script, you will need to add the subgraph slug for all the datasources of each adapter and extension subgraph you want to deploy:

const SUBGRAPH_SLUGS = {  /**   * CORE   * Mandatory core subgraph (DaoFactory, DaoRegistry, BankExtension)   */  Core: "tribute-dao-core-dev",
  /**   * ADAPTERS   * Add your adpater subgraphs datasource and subgraph slug   */  CouponOnboarding: "tribute-dao-coupon-onboarding-dev",  ...
  /**   * EXTENSIONS   * Add your extension subgraphs datasource and subgraph slug   */  NFTExtension: "tribute-dao-nft-extension-dev",  ...};

In .env (create .env file if there isn't one already created), add your wallet seed phrase (for the hardhat contract compilation), network, GitHub username, graph access token from your Hosted Service dashboard and the deployment key from your Subgraph Studio account:

# The ethereum network to deploy the subgraph.NETWORK=...
# Your GitHub username to deploy the subgraph to the hosted service.GITHUB_USERNAME=...
# The Graph API Access Token that will be used to deploy the Subgraph# to the hosted service (rinkeby/testnet).GRAPH_ACCESS_TOKEN=...
# The Graph API Deployment Key that will be used to deploy the Subgraph# to the decentralized service (mainnet).GRAPH_DEPLOYMENT_KEY=...
# The wallet mnemonic/seed phrase is a 12 word string which is used to create# the HD Wallet, and sign transactions on your behalf.WALLET_SEED_PHRASE=...

Using your Tribute DAO contracts deployed from tribute-contracts to the same network as your subgraphs, copy the DaoFactory contract address and block number into the respective address and startBlock (important: make sure the block number starts from 1 previous block, for example, if the block number is 19, use 18 as the startBlock) for the DaoFactory source in subgraphs/Core/subgraph.yaml.

If you are deploying other optional subgraphs (e.g., CouponOnboarding, NFTExtension), you will also need to enter the contract address and block number of the subject contract into the respective subgraphs/[SUBGRAPH CONTRACT DIRNAME]/subgraph.yaml file.

The network in the subgraphs/[SUBGRAPH CONTRACT DIRNAME]/subgraph.yaml files should be set to the targeted network (e.g., mainnet, rinkeby).

Then, simply run the following command to deploy the subgraphs:

npm run deploy-subgraph

If deploying to mainnet the command line will prompt for an input for the ✔ Version Label (e.g. v0.0.1), enter the version and the deployment will resume.

See here for more information