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Thank You

The Tribute DAO Framework was conceived based on the solid and foundational work done by our team, MolochVentures, and Meta Cartel in MolochV2. This framework extends the MolochV2 contracts to create a DAO framework with new features and modularity in mind. It was only possible to design, and implement such a solution because great precursors have opened the path forward with the release of MolochV2.

Because of that, we want to say THANK YOU to all coders, designers, auditors, and any individual who have contributed with ideas, resources, and energy to this and previous versions of this project. Thanks for helping to shape the DAO open source ecosystem, and a special thank you to MolochV2 creators/contributors:

Thank you to all Tribute DAO Framework contributors:

Thank you to all auditors from:

Thank you to all maintainers and supporters of the amazing Open Source tooling and development libraries, APIs and platforms for the Web3 builders:

p.s.: feel free to submit a PR with your name added to the list, if we missed any.